Tools for product people to align, influence and lead cross functional teams.
Product people have one of the most unique challenges in the professional world. They are the owners or managers of the product but in most cases do not manage the people or teams that that are directly responsible for the success of the product at the various different stages of its lifecycle.

In a world of specialists, product people are the generalists and product people at all levels in the organisation need to find a way to collaborate, influence and work with teams across different disciplines. In effect, you have to become a product leader. Product people have countless tools to help them on the technical side of their job such as SWOT templates, road mapping software and KPI dashboards.

But to become a true product leader that sets a vision, inspires and leads teams to create truly valuable products, you also need to have a toolkit of soft skills that you can draw on to lead the people that bring the product to life.
David Scully
Head of Product Innovation Design, CoreHR
David is an experienced product leader who specialises in identifying and driving vision and roadmap. Experienced in working with cross-functional teams, David is passionate about finding the
right balance between creativity, productivity and collaboration to make real impact on business goals without compromising on customer experience. David works as Head of Product Innovation &
Design at CoreHR, a company who delivers world-class HR and Payroll software to leading organisations globally. David has spent 13 years working alongside HR leaders, providing solutions to drive technology enabled HR transformations across areas such as employee engagement, talent management, career and succession planning. With deep industry awareness within the areas of talent enablement and leadership development, David is uniquely positioned to provide insight for product people on the soft skills and tools that can be leveraged from the world of talent
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