Soft skills of a product team: my experience in the USA and Russia
In his presentation, Yerzhan will discuss the soft skills requirements for a successful product team. He will reflect on his experiences as a product owner in the USA and Russia.
Yerzhan will also share his tips on how to develop your team members' soft skills and build an effective product culture.
Ержан Наурузбаев
Product, strategy and growth consultant, ex-Google product manager
Yerzhan Nauruzbayev leads the Product Development team within the Commodities Department of a major Russian financial house, FG BCS.

Prior to coming to BCS, he spent a decade in the USA. While a junior at St. Norbert College, Yerzhan joined Breakthrough Fuel - first as an intern and then as a full-time employee upon graduation.

At the company, Yerzhan developed and successfully implemented a new fuel management product that helps ocean shippers cut fuel costs (which account for up to 30% of the overall transportation spend).

In his career, Yerzhan also worked at StageThree where he was part of the team that developed a new venture out of a collaboration with a Fortune 50 company.
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