Designing for Outcome and Impact - an approach to Product Management
While Agile has become the defacto standard for software delivery, Product Management continues to be a mix of disparate approaches, methods and techniques -- focused more on the process than the result -- and with varying degrees of success. The emphasis towards aligning product development with business goals has led to the popularity of frameworks like OKRs, and recording metrics and KPIs, but the core principles continue to be ignored. Using case studies spanning multiple countries, industry sectors and company-sizes, this talk contrasts and critiques current approaches towards product management and proposes a framework for hypothesis-driven, outcome-focused, impact-based product management.
Ajay Brar
Product Strategy Lead, Thoughtworks
A passionate advocate of socially conscious, human-centred design and delivering outcomes over output, Ajay Brar is a product strategy lead at Thoughtworks.
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