Why you should stop using product roadmaps and try GIST Planning
Classic product planning - Strategy --> Roadmaps --> Project plans, is hard work and yields little value.The plans quickly lose sync with reality, projects run long, and outcomes are often disappointing. Worse, this type of waterfall planning limits our ability to innovate and stay agile, and does not deal well with uncertainty tech companies face.

In this talk I will present an alternative planning and execution system (first shared in a popular blog post of the same name: https://bit.ly/2nOFQuM) that I started using while working at Google and further adapted and implemented in numerous companies.

The system is called GIST after its main components: Goals, Ideas, Steps, and Tasks.

Together the four parts create a lightweight framework for planning and execution resulting in plans that are built for change, create lower management overhead, improve team velocity and autonomy, and ultimately deliver better products and services.
Itamar Gilad
Product, strategy and growth consultant, ex-Google product manager
Itamar is a consultant, author and speaker specializing in product management, strategy, and growth. Over the past 20 years he held senior product management and engineering roles in Google, Microsoft and other companies. At Google Itamar launched Gmail's Tabbed Inbox and lead Gmail's growth team (resulting in 1Bn MAUs). Itamar writes a popular product managements blog and is the creator of a number of product management methodologies including GIST planning and the Confidence Tool.
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